
presented by the original & Remix Podcast

As René Lienke (Synthynator / Space Pop Boys) itself 2019 called for a new Spotify hand-in-hand streaming, success was not foreseeable at the time. Since he and Christian Kirchhoff (Chris Kirk / Space Pop Boys) in September 2020 also the podcast format “Original & Remix” have started, Significant added value has been achieved for all artists, who have ACTIVELY joined this community.

The goal is of course to make successful progress in Spotify. But along the way we help each other here. Be it in the case of production errors, Promotion tips or collaborations between artists and occasional remix competitions! The various playlists are an important tool, which are currently being designed by René and the community and the associated CHARTS!

LEIDER WERDEN DIE CHARTS DERZEIT NICHT MEHR GEPFLEGT. Derzeit ist nur noch in der NEWs-Liste Bewegung. Bis feststeht, wie es mit den CHARTS weitergeht, lasse ich die Seite noch stehen.

Anyone who doesn't make it into the weekly TOP 100 creates, can be found here:

New releases from active members are coming for 28 Days collected into this list:

In order to keep the newcomer charts as up to date as possible, Despite all the success, songs sometimes have to be retired.

No idea, whether the list will continue to be maintained. Since I'm with Un(d)AbtanzBAR but produce a lot of trash, I still like to link to this list of categories:

Wer sich als Künstler für die newcomercharts und/oder die Original & If you want to register a remix group, click HERE to our Facebook group.

You already have a new song playing on Spotify? Then register directly:

To the podcast: