My offer to you
Here's a "maybe" smart idea for all of oursHobby- und Bedroom-Producer. On the one hand, such a t-shirt shop costs nothing. On the other hand, it still needs to be maintained and expanded. Instead of, that each of us is now setting up our own shop, I thought it would be kinda tuffy, if we integrate as many as possible into a shop. why?
We are little artists! We don't fill stadiums! When we actually sell a shirt or coffee mug, we usually buy it ourselves, or as a special gift for a friend or acquaintance. Even if we're up 4-5 shirts come a year, the net mage and the time required for this is rather too high for an individual. In addition, not every ingenious sound inventor is also a graphics genius!
But what, if we as artists also join forces here and have a single shirt shop with oursMerchandising equip? Together we would be more likely to get into a payout phase. Together we can also promote a shop better and bring it forward, if 50-500 Einzelshops. This shop could be like thatCommunity-Shop will!
You don't want to andno time to manage a shop? So I'll take care of that for you! I will not enrich myself from the sales and will disclose the settlement with Spreadshirt, should there be any doubts. Send me your finished logo of the highest quality and I'll add it to the shop! You will then receive a link from me, direct toyour products!
DJ Delphina Sato – DJ Tomcsek – DJ TommyT – Milena Thought – XiluKarim – Jacob
Like right now? Do you haveno logo yet? Then I'll help you with it! In a private ZOOM session we develop a logo together, that not only can be banned on t-shirts, but also your "brand" as a cover logo for your productions! I have years of experience in creating logos, knows what is important. (Examples below)
In addition to a good track name, the right cover picture is the optical figurehead of your track! Everything has to fit together and should entice music seekers to do soYour track listen! The same applies to me here, as for logos! Get in touch and we'll find a title name together and create a cover image! The eye eats with you!
I am also happy to offer you help from the community with the creation of a video for your new track. We use a ZOOM session to search for suitable free images and videos, to be integrated and create a music video together. Check out my channel for example videos:
First of all, I don't have anything from it that can be used monetarily (Unless, You insist on a time allowance!)! but! When I see, that you make good use of your new logo, that it's the cover of your next 10 – 20 Singles, albums, Videos or your website and you might be included in the charts, then I would be damn proud to have a graphic partial success with it!
Merchandise shop at Spreadshirt